Thursday, November 10, 2016

Perception And Reality

As I've said to numerous people today: ''Don't worry. Donald Trump will not come into your house and kidnap you and deport you''.......... Ever since the shocking news about Donald Trump becoming our next President, the population---- or, certain parts of the population---- are on fire with fear and hatred about what might happen when he becomes our new Chief Executive. A lot of venom is being thrown around social media, with friends defriending friends on Facebook, blogs alive with the doom and gloom of a Trump Presidency [Any idiot can write a blog.....]. You would think Satan has risen, won the Electoral College, and is gonna bring the Dark Ages Of Humanity back to the surface......... Let's slow down and take a breath. It is not the end of the world that Donald Trump is going to run the United States. Nor will it have been the end of the world if Hillary Clinton got in. For anyone with any knowledge of history and the political process, governing in a democracy is all about sharing the power of various individuals, not one person. If, for instance, Donald Trump decides he wants to go to war with Mexico, he cannot just send troops in and start bombing. We have checks and balances in America, our system is designed to guard against dictatorships. One person, whatever his or her own title says, cannot control the actions of an entire country. We have a Congress. We have watchdog groups. And, we have an ever ready media ready to pounce. Any major piece of legislation must be formed, written, rewritten, re-rewritten, and finally, vetted through various channels and deal making. If Trump wants something, he must be prepared to give up something. That is politics....... The anti-Trump demonstrations give one pause. The day after the election, many took to the streets, shouting, looting, threatening. These are well-organized mob actions funded by special interest groups. Trump was the principal reason they took to the streets, but, behind the scenes, we all know the true story. Profiteers, always ready to pounce and exploit, were waiting in the wings, along with professional extorters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, both men who have the ''Reverend'' title in front of their names, but are venomous, evil men who do not give out God's word, but, spread insidious hatred among the gullible. The masses they inspire are a hot pistol of hate and rage just waiting to fire---- Jackson and Sharpton and ''Black Lives Matter'' give them the bullets to shoot........ I fully understand the anger against Donald Trump. I have never liked him ever since he came on to the scene in the 1980's. He is venal, arrogant, rude, a sexist, eternally self-centered, etc. Any negative can be thrown at him and it deserves to stick. But---- and this is key for his enemies---- he is also a very smart man who knows how to sell the sizzle and not the steak. And, politics is full of that sizzle. Trump has amassed friends and enemies galore, hardly anyone is neutral about the man. Who knows what kind of President he will be because running corporations is not the same as running a country....... Or, maybe it is similar. We have never had a professional businessman like him in office, it has been only neophyte politicians who know nothing of the business world. Perhaps, Trump can bridge something that we never thought could bridged: commerce with government......... Part of the anger directed at him in the aftermath of this election is the fact that everyone expected him to lose. Polls showed him always trailing, the media bashed him left and right, showing, once again, how biased the Fourth Estate can be if you are not their Golden Child In The Sun. The Republican Party, that great mass of self-destruction, was torn apart by his candidacy. And, the other side HATED HIM!!!! So, how the hell did everyone miss this? How did this insane man win, the public is saying? The answer is twofold....... 1] The ''Silent Majority'', as Nixon coined them, was waiting quietly in the corner ready to be heard. The media zeroes in on big-mouths that fill their slot on a news bite. The juicy pundit that is the know-it-all. These cretins think they speak for everyone in America because they have the public forum that Mr. and Mrs. Front Porch do not have. Therefore, they must know what will happen. They are the ''experts'', not you and me. Or, so they like to think. But, they are proven wrong continuously----- never in my lifetime has a major election been proven correctly by their gospel of political wisdom, every election that they say will be close, has been a landslide. And, vice versa. The pundits, these hacks, got caught with their pants around their ankles by the Trump juggernaut. Why? Because a sizable part of America, while not caring for Trump personally [like Nixon] still believed in most of the things he had to say as reflecting their own internal feelings. They want closed borders---- not because they are racists but because they are frightened of terrorists walking into this country. They want Obamacare, perhaps, the most disastrous piece of government tyranny ever established, repealed. They want the United States, crippled by the ineptitude of Obama and his policies, to be held in high regard again in foreign circles. It seems many countries around the world fear a potential Trump Presidency. That is good, keep them on edge. Don't worry, he won't throw nuclear weapons like I throw down beers. But, a good THREAT is most welcome in certain hot spots around the globe. And, the ''Silent Majority'' wants people documented as citizens, not to break up families and send people to die. Our ancestors had to match the requirements to become legal citizens, why should that change now? One thing I've learned in my years is that if you follow the law, your life will work out much easier.......... 2] Hillary Clinton fucked up. Now, it would waste everyone's time to talk about what is so unlikable and untrustworthy about ole Hillary. We all know what she is. Yet, some did not care because she was the first female candidate to have a shot at the Presidency [Shirley Chisholm ran in 1972 but was not a factor]. Hillary Rodham Clinton appealed to the same crowd that elected Barack Obama in 2008----- lets have someone we have never had before. This is fine----- Donald Trump was elected in the same vein---- but, in Hillary's case what was crucial in her defeat was the long memories of voters that she was not counting on. Hillary has been a lightning rod of controversy ever since she and Bill showed up on the national stage. Like Trump, no one is neutral about her. She has her fans and people who want to feed her to the lions. I am in the latter group. She and her husband are a walking Human Lie. They spark negative feelings from people even when the people may be agreeing with their points of view. Oil slicks cannot match the slime found in these two characters. Team Hillary was counting that we, the public, would not remember their endless troubles and follies. Not to mention, her current mistakes---including, the horrible handling of Benghazi and the needless deaths that her inaction caused---- and the curious and suspicious deletion of emails. We do not need more of her games, so said the ''Silent Majority''. And, we don't. She is a USER, a politician in the worst sense of the word. Perhaps, the word on the ''New Hillary'' was not successful---- it did not fool a public she thought was very gullible. No further proof can be better than to see who voted for her. She was strong with women. But, blacks and Hispanics deserted her this election. Trump got his constituency for him. Hillary do not......... So, now, we are presented with perception of Donald Trump as President, and, the reality of what he will most likely be like. The perception is that he will ruin the United States, that there will be fighting in the streets, women and children harmed, bedlam as he takes us to Armageddon. Of course, this won't happen. The reality is that not much will change with him---- unless, a 9/11 type of tragedy unfolds--- and the government will go perking along as always. We will say he made a mistake here, a success there, like we have for all of our leaders. He will rise and fall in the public opinion, praised and damned. Most likely, he will not build a wall to Mexico but there will be increased presence there, which is sound. If a wall does go up, it won't be because of him putting the arm on Mexico and getting a blank check, but, rather, it will be paid the old-fashioned way: a tax of that countries tariffs. He was always be regarded as a divider, love him or hate him. I do not like him but I am a cheerleader for anyone who becomes President. It is a thankless job that no sane person would want. I wish him well, because if he does well, the country succeeds. If he fails, we all suffer....... That is something those foolish protesters do not realize: he is President whether you like it or not. To wish someone back luck in this office is not to be an American........

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