Tuesday, October 25, 2016

There Is Crying In Baseball

You felt the emotions rising during the last few moments of Game 6. The Chicago Cubs, perennial lovable losers for over a century, were about to cross over into the rare land of The World Series. I watched at a party at the home of my friend, Molly, and you felt the electric charge of the crowd through the TV. When the final play happened--- that double-play--- and the final out was made, you heard a sound, deafening in its velocity, shoot through the screen. It sounded, to me like 40,000 lions suddenly roared....... At the party, there was yelling and hugging [mind you, other than Molly, I knew no one there]. But, celebrations are made to be shared. Strangers become instant friends. A bond has been established. Til our dying days, all of us in that room will remember where we were when the Cubs clinched the pennant....... You saw what was happening onscreen. Controlled madness. The crowd went crazy, along with the players. Delirious human behavior, in a charming way. It was the end of a long road for this team, a road that gave these very young men their dreams starting to come true. They hugged with fierce pride, young guys who went to war together. They slugged the beginnings out in the minor leagues, that baseball boot camp where only the strong survive and advance. They argued and fought. They became friends and joined the baseball fraternity of the major leagues. These men, little more than babies, became the proud standard bearers of a losing franchise. But, they had a dream to turn this organization around, to set the train right on the tracks. The public hooted at their bravado, saying that the Cubs will never win. Being young, they only heard their own inner voices, never listening to the naysayers. They made the baby steps, making the errors that all beginners make. Along with an owner and GM who also shared their dream, these Boys Of Summer became good. Very Good. Soon, the wins started to come, the heckling from the pessimistic fading into the background. The Chicago Cubs became THE CHICAGO CUBS!!! They took no prisoners...... The scene on the field was spellbinding. And, so were the emotions of all of us Cubs fans watching. Almost automatically, I started to cry. These weren't the tears of a sad movie or losing a loved one. No, these tears were tears of joy and pride. I have watched this team my whole life. It was passed down in the family by my Mom, who grew up by Wrigley Field and saw the good Cubs teams of the 30's and 40'. My brother, sister, Nana--- we all were drawn to this club at 1060 W. Addison. Dad was never a big sports fan, but, he liked them because the rest of us liked them. Year after year, in my childhood, this club broke our hearts. They always seemed to start out good every year, but, seemed to fade when the warm weather of summer showed. But, I watched them faithfully, like millions of others. Hope springs eternal, so the saying goes. And, hope was the abundant narrative drive for this most backwards of professional organizations. The Cubs always seemed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Pick a season, pick a player, pick a playoff game. It always seemed to come undone for them. And, it devastated their loyal fans. But, we showed up every year, saying, ''This is the year!'' The fan base of the Chicago Cubs has to be the most loyal in any sport. Every team has their rabid supporters. However, no fan base has every been through the losing wringer like we have. Heartbreak after heartbreak. Hope was slowly fading away, eroded by the constant hitting of the wall hard. But, we were there, silently waiting for greatness...... It has come. And, along with this blessing has come a fun, exciting, and very likable group of ballplayers. Sure, behind the scenes, there are disputes and arguments among the players, I'm sure. They are young guys, full of piss and vinegar. I'm betting that they are all not the best of friends away from the field. But, it doesn't matter. I don't care what they are like because I do not hang out with them. On the field is where it matters to me. And, they royally shine out there. There is a sense of infectious joy watching them, the excitement you get from being at a really great concert and rocking your ass off to the music. This ball team plays that music and we dance with joy........ Back to the crying. I soon went to social media after the game and the comments I saw mirrored my own feelings. I read people saying how proud they were of this team and that were crying, too. They were crying with the joy of winning, but, also, something else. They were crying for those loved ones who did not live to see this golden moment in the sun. The grandparents, parents, siblings, wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends, best friends-- all who have gone on to the magic of the next life. I thought of my family and how they would be screaming with pleasure like myself. I cried for them, I know. In my heart I know they saw it, they experienced what I was experiencing. They were in that beautiful ballpark and they were happy. In someway, in some form, they were there. As were your loved ones........ As I write this, the World Series is gonna start tonight in Cleveland. I think the Cubs match up well with them. We have stronger pitching and hitting---although, Cleveland is a damn good team that should not be underestimated. But, I think the Cubs will take the series in 5 games, maybe, 6. There is a glow around this team. They are a team of champions. I do not think anything will stop them. In a few days, I might be eating these very words. I doubt it....... And, after that final out, I expect to do more crying. Perhaps, it will even be more intense. I'm looking forward to it. I feel like a distant Uncle seeing his ''boys'' do well. Despite my bravado sometimes, I do cry very easy. The tears will be flowing with pride and love. For the Cubs....... And, for my family in Heaven....... Go Cubs!!!!!

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