Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Let's Put On A Happy Face

God, it seems so long ago!! Another time, another place. A different life altogether. But, it was a magical time, all innocence and rapture. We were young then, too young. Yes, I am remembering the golden era when Facebook was fun........ So you love President Trump. So you hate President Trump. I've seen it. And, seen it. AND, SEEN IT!!! Good God almighty, when did Facebook become the dumping ground of political rantings and ravings? I cannot ever go on there and not be assaulted by the pro and con of Trump. Yes, you are most welcome to share your thoughts---that is why we are friends on FB. But, when it becomes so burdensome to read EVERY post on the subject of this man, I begin to reevaluate whether I can continue to have this social media communication going. Yes, I've done the same kind of rants. But, they are on a marginal-need-to-know-about-the issue-basis. It is not my every consuming thought of the day. Again, you have the right to espouse. I also have the right to not care........ I also do not want to see abused animals and deformed children. I know you care. So do I. However, we do not ----- I'm speaking for your audience of friends---- need to see the suffering and your outrage. It is a given that you are offended and saddened by the cruelty. What decent person would not be? But, with some I have a sneaky suspicion that part of posting this pain is to draw attention that they care. You know, in a macabre and dark way, they are using the subject of abuse to paint themselves as the caring sufferer of those abused. A saint who feels their pain. Well, I like to think it is true for most people that their outrage is a selfless act of human kindness. Most people I know are not so vain that the menace of abuse becomes their crutch to beg for applause. Still, I know a select few who practice the misery of others so they can spotlight themselves. These are the same people who have a loved one that is inflicted with a deadly disease and it curiously becomes about how hard it is on THEM instead of the patient......... I like fun people on Facebook. Someone who is as goofy as me. I like posts that make me laugh. I do not mind an educated post---- I like to learn something everyday. Even, if I do not agree with the post, a refreshing breeze of originality also goes a long way with me. Be creative. Tell me a funny observation or joke. Or, mostly, a poignant pang from the heart that will stay with me. I like the inspirational musings of a mind different from mine. I like to hear the stories of love. I love to see the baby pictures and the videos of first steps taken. I take pride in the pride of my family and friends. See, I like warm feelings and thoughts from the soul. It feels a hell of a lot better than someone's hard-on against a political candidate........ Too much free reign of thoughts and ideas can be costly. I have heard the stories about friendships broken in half over this last Presidential campaign. Violent, bitter words exchanged, forever separating decades of royal companionships. Personal attacks that should stay as friendly differences of opinion. I have never met a human being who agrees with every thought and feeling of mine. Nor do I seek such a person--- I have me to agree with. A lost art in our modern times is the joy of difference of expression. ''Viva La Difference!'', as the French proclaim. When a different wavelength of thought opens up, sometimes, a wonderful avenue of discovery of a new facet of life emerges. Something that you were quite sure of on Monday may be completely new territory on Friday. The joy of discovery. Not a day goes by that I am not wrong about something. Hopefully, it is a small mistake easily corrected. And, that correction is not a shot to the vanity of the speaker. Instead, it is an instrument of growth---human growth---a marvelous gift bestowed on all of us in our brains. But, the joy of new chapters of knowledge in life seems to be stifled in neutral, alarmingly, on Facebook. It is ''MY WAY IS RIGHT AND IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ME, THEN YOU ARE A SIMPLETON!'' Those people [thankfully, in short supply in my orbit] are not my friends. Why would I or anyone else put up with such abuse? Stop polluting your hate and bitterness........ I have a secret weapon on Facebook now. I know I can trust you not to tell anyone. I am ''unfollowing'' people, while keeping them as ''friends''. Why? Well, it is because I feel that they are essentially good people to have around--- they are just going through a trough of bad moods. Hopefully, they will see the light and come back to the Fun Zone. So, I am giving them a temporary time-out without their knowledge. In time, I will check up on them and see how they are doing and if the bounce is back in their step. If so, I will ''follow''. If not, then sadly, I will delete. Call it a ''silent suspension'' of their rants........ I just want the Facebook brethren to be fun again. Show me your vacation photos [ Oh, on that. One item must be addressed: when you are vacation, get off of Facebook or any social media and ENJOY THE MOMENT!! It is not necessary to check in from every location or spot you are visiting. Save that for the ride home]. Lets all agree to leave the negativity about this last election in last year. What is done is done, whether your side won or lost. Go forward with good feelings. Leave the rants and down feelings to those who write blogs. Clearly, any idiot can write one........

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