Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Random Thoughts: July 2016

Well, you gotta hand it to Hillary Clinton. She dodged yet another noose. This one had to do with her using classified e-mail information for personal reasons. This constitutes a violation of federal law. Why she felt that she needed to have this info only she can say. However, we will never know the reasons because the FBI has decided not to charge her for her crimes (there are five crimes in total, including, the deletion of certain e-mails that, I'm thinking, would have sunk her). The failure of the FBI to do their job---- along with the failure of the Attorney General not doing her job---- has the curious connection of a whitewash, i.e. Coverup. Bill Clinton also is in the middle of this because, recently, he met with Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Ole Slick Willie claims it had nothing to do with Hillary's problems, it was just a social visit. Perhaps, Bill was seeking possible interns if his wife gets elected. But, the timing of his visit cannot be dismissed as just him being neighborly. He clearly was meeting with a powerful person that might lower the boom on his dear, devoted wifey-poo. It was successful, because like many Clinton scandals of the past, a clearly guilty couple will walk away from the firing line without a scratch. Meanwhile, America and her citizens will bleed from the collateral damage. I thought we were done with these sleazy people years ago. But, we are not. Like a virus that lies dormant, the Clinton Hillbilly Gang keeps coming back. If the Republican Party goes ahead with its death wish and has Donald Trump as its nominee, Hillary Clinton will very likely be our next President. Some will cheer, for her supporters foolishly tie-in her candidacy with the fact that a woman will finally be Presudent, making her campaign a gender campaign, instead of the best candidate possible to run, regardless of the sex. Be forewarned all of you Hillary fans: the same behavior that embarrassed this country in the 1990's will resurface yet again. Along with the unwelcome scent of scandal. And, when these scandals do surface, look for Jethro and Ellie May to plead innocence, to claim that they are targets of various right-wing conspiracies that are always after them. "Poor us", they will proclaim, "we are just a happily married couple that has all of the evil people after us!! Why won't they just leave us alone!! We want to help all of you out there have better lives!!" Get ready. If the hit the White House again, the same tired soap opera begins once more. But, at least this is good news if you own a cigar shop...... Locally, we have our own shysters in this state. Mike Madigan and his fleecing flock are blowing themselves because they, in their own eyes, averted more economic chaos by passing a "budget". Actually, it isn't a real budget. Like all politics, it is all smoke- and-mirrors. What they have done is just kept the state going another six months. The whole circus of budget battles will come again come January as these pricks argue among themselves about how they are doing right for us. Meanwhile, businesses are leaving this state in record numbers, along with its citizens. Illinois holds the unwelcome distinction as being the most inept and corrupt state in our fair Union. And, astoundingly, Illinois voters (mostly, Old Machine Democrats) keep Madigan and his dirty henchmen employed. This state has a bleeding cash fiscal problem that they refuse to address. This, along with a crippling pension program, leaves this state with an alarming deficit that will bring this state down. Naturally, these politicians look to us to bail them out. They pass laws in which we are forced to shell out money in taxes--- property and personal--- that empties the coffers of Mr and Mrs John Q. Public. And, then, they come back for more. Example: the Elgin-O'Hare Exoressway, which for years was free to drive, is now a tollway. This is the latest gimmick to bleed money from taxpayers. And, Governor Rauner---- reviled in union circles but applauded in business circles--- is playing hardball with Madigan and his stooges. Hence, the log jam. I think the jury is still out on Rauner and his intentions. But, not on Mike Madigan. His time, along with his cronies, is long past....... Lately, I have been catching up on TV shows. Specifically, old TV. I am a huge fan of MeTV, which gloriously presents old chestnut shows that bring back warm memories of days past. Like a classic song that stirs the mists in your heart, old TV shows bring a person back in time when we were young and you were in the bosom of your beloved family. I can watch a rerun of, say, "All In The Family" and not only appreciate the quality of the show, but also, it takes me back to a little TV room in Des Plaines when I was a kid. The room had two couches and a couple of small tables. But, most importantly, it had five family members who loved each other and watched TV as a family, the way TV was meant to be. We laughed at the adventures of Archie or Hawkeye or Mary or Barney Miller. In that little room, we gathered to watch the goings on in the fictional police precinct of "Hill Street" and marveled on how Marcus Welby healed the sick. There were also various stops around the dial on other shows, be they Maude or Burt Campbell thinking he was invincible. All of those shows--- and many others---- are a part of a treasured memory bank in my heart and soul that I love to revisit in good times, and especially, in bad times. The images are crystal clear. And, those golden reruns are the gateway to those memories....... I love modern shows also. I like "Check, Please". This program consists of a few Chicagoans going out to various eateries and eating the food at the restaurants. Then, like amateur food critics, they grade the food on TV. How do I get on this show??!!! It is the perfect concept for me--- food and wine. And, it is all free!!! I have always wanted to be a food critic. Think about it: your job is to go to excellent restaurants and sample all of their finest food!!! Paradise!!!! The only thing better than that would be if I was naked eating the food!!! Knowing my endless love affair with groceries, I know I would excel at this job. And, I would be gentle and respectful in my food appraisals. Nowhere would I be mean or vindictive. Food brings out the finest in me, some cell in my body is touched and my being is filled with euphoria. I must get on this show!!!........ The Chicago Cubs balloon has landed. Meaning, the excitement of the constant winning at the beginning of the season has settled and a sense of the normal is back. The Cubs have lost their fair share of games, as all good teams do. Some of the fans are alarmed to see that they aren't winning everything in sight. This behavior can be explained. We Cubs fans are not experts at winning and having an exciting team to root for. We are experts at losing and having our hearts torn out. But this team sparkles with a different feeling. It is the feeling of confidence and achievement. It is the feeling of joy and the sense of the possible dream, as opposed to the impossible of so many years in the past. They will lose many more games this season. But, unless they go under with injuries, the Chicago Cubs will go far in the postseason. October will see the pinstripes shining brightly, possibly heading towards a World Series......

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