Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Number 12

The new thing on Facebook is to be given a number. Then, with said number, you give facts about yourself. For example, if you are given the number 10, then ten fun-filled items comes floating out. Now, I have been given the number 12 by the lovely Kathi Krueger, so, I guess I must join the club and divulge pertinant facts. Taking a page from David Letterman, I will start with the highest number and countdown. Hold on to your socks......... 12). I used to be a member of the Commodores. 11). I love watching Green Bay Packer fans try to figure out how to use a bar of soap and toothpaste for the three teeth in their mouth. 10). Every Sunday, I free dance to the ''Dirty Dancing'' soundtrack. 9). Has impregnated half of the ''women'' at the Schaumburg DMV. 8). I co-wrote the hit country song, ''My Heart Belongs To My Country, But My Balls Belong To You.'' 7). Every November 22, I wear a pink dress and pink pillbox hat. 6). My losing of my virginity is coming out on Blu-Ray. Titled, ''Thirty Seconds And That Will Still Cost You A Hundred Bucks.'' 6). I once ran a massage parlor with Mother Teresa. 5). I love to say the word ''Telemundo.'' 4). I spend most Saturday nights bathing the elderly. 3). I once ran a distance, nonstop, of 200 feet to catch a woman falling who was carrying a pizza. Don't remember what happened to the woman. 2). My first wife was Eydie Gorme. 1). I taught square dancing and ballet to Charles Manson........ So, there I hope that closes any questions that might be asked about James Patrick Scoleri, so christened....... Oh, I will add one more thing as a final postscript........ I would like to fall in love again........ For all of the bluster and sexual free-talk that I speak, I am at heart very romantic. For those who really don't know me and just see the humor, that might be another humorous line in the long list of my off-center mind comments and imagination. However, the people closest to me----- family and close friends---- they have seen the other me. The me that loves and respects women and all that they are. I am constantly amazed and fascinated by the fairer sex. I know what it is like to be a guy, so, new insights into human behavior from the male point of view are old hat to me. Now, a woman!!! The sweetness and pure heart and soul of a woman, that makes me feel alive and kicking!!! I have always been very proud of my associations with women, whether they be of a friendship level or a romantic angle. I love being in love. I have had many romances, some short-term, a few long-lasting. I have had the wonderous joy of a woman by my side and I literally feel my heart beating with a new life. Sure, some of that feeling is sexually physical. But, the other half feels the power of having a woman that you love and being loved back. Just about all of us have had that feeling, what I am saying is not new. You know, that jump, that incredible jump, of all-around passion and love. That is why when I come across someone who is in a long-term relationship without that passion, I feel very sad for them and my romantic heart cries out for them. Many people are with someone that they really do not want to be with, while their soul aches for the other half that is missing. People stay together for a variety of reasons, be they financial or waiting until the children have grown. And, that breaks a romantic heart like mine....... Part of being a romantic is discretion. I date privately, many people close to me have not met my girlfriends, or perhaps, a few have been introduced. Why? Well, I believe that love is a very special gift. It needs the discretion of privacy for it to grow and sustain. Also, maybe, I live my life in compartments. I have a family space, along with a friends nook. The most serious compartment is that love compartment. And, that is an exclusive membership. A lot have women have visited this place, but, only a select few have had a gold card. My family and friends understand this and are respectful. In time, I will let all of them intermingle. But, when I feel the time is right...... Sometime in the future I will talk more in depth about my true loves. A hint: one really got to me. She saw the real me ( not an easy trick) and loved me unconditionally. We were together for four magic years. And, then......... I hope to find another love like this. Romantics always sustain on the feeling of hope. A few friends of mine are in the same boat. We are no longer 21, when all of life is still in front of you and hopes abound. We are weary from the battle........ But, the war for love will never go away.......

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