Friday, June 3, 2011

To The Class Of 2011

''Dear class. Well, you made it!!! Four long years of high school, and, a few of you have told me that it flew by. There were days, I'm sure, when it crawled at a snails pace and the finish line seemed an eternity away. Understandable. I have a little secret for you: that is exactly how life is. There are going to be moments in your life when it crawls, then, usually followed by the times it will fly past. I'm glad you have had a little taste of it in school... Now, go out and live the rest of your lives. The world is now open to you and you should embrace it. It is ok to be a little afraid. I still am and so is every adult you will encounter. However, there are many joyous moments to experience. You live in a free country-- not all of the world can say that. With that comes the ability to do whatever you want in life. You are young. You want to take over the world. You want to live life to the fullest. Good for you!!! Do that!!!... With that freedom comes responsibility. You should never, in your pursuit of your life, hurt anyone else. I know you have heard that your whole life. But, you will encounter people in life that will try to turn you bad. Usually, there is money wrapped around this technique. Don't fall for it. Stay good. It is much easier to live with yourself that way... Mentioning money, another thought: it is nice to earn big money, but, make sure it goes hand and hand with a career that you like. There is nothing harder to do in the world than to go to a job you hate , regardless of the monetary value. Follow your heart, not the dollar sign.... And, that ole heart of yours: find the person for you that makes you glad to be alive. They are out there--sometimes it takes a while to find them, but, once you do, there is nothing better in life!!! But, you must give back to that person love also. The needs of the other person should be of the same concern to you as your own personal needs. That is what an adult relationship is about. Take it from an old war horse like me: there is no greater joy in life than to love and be in love!!!....  Enjoy your friends and family. Be there for them. A wise man , my dad, once told me that you should never lose your friends wherever you are in life. This is true... And, your family. In the sometimes cold and rough world, these are the people you will lean on . Let them lean on you also. It builds character in you and them. Remember, love comes in all forms, not just the physical, but, in relationships....So, wrapping up: there are a lot of problems in the world that you won't be able to overcome. Make the best of them. It won't be easy in life. However, you will survive. Change the world for the better. Take an interest. Make your generation the best that there ever has been. I know you have it in you... I am proud to have known you .... Thank you for the memories.... With Best Wishes, Mr. Scoleri.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done Jim. I must say there may never have been a prior generation that has to deal with soooo much as this one will...if they even get the chance.
