Monday, March 14, 2011

We are all Mortal

So much loss of life. So much damage. And, the threat of more harm. We have all seen the footage of the ocean rushing in. The bodies being pulled out to sea, and, then the sea spitting out its dead. The buildings being torn apart--- with many being buried alive in them. And, now, they have to contend with radiation and the long term effects of nuclear madness. Do you need another example of how life can be cruel?... Amazing how we set up a life with danger in it. Nuclear weapons, like guns, should never have been invented. But, they are here and we have to deal with them.We can't turn back. I heard a sobering thought over the weekend--- we live in the state with the most nuclear reactors [10] in the nation. So if any earthquake hits our area--- and, we live with a huge fault line under us---the chances we could get some radioactive fallout is quite likely. We are helpless. I hope the people who designed our way of life years ago with this danger are happy.The politicians, war crazy Generals, scientists who are looking for better ways to kill us in the name of peace. They have the drunken lust for power and we are the pawns in the chess match. The one thing I have always wanted to ask them is this, '' You breath the same air the rest of us do, you drink the water that is now polluted by your factories, as do your children-- doesn't this scare you like it scares us''? I assume the answer I would get would be the typical bureaucratic bullshit they have been spinning for years. At some point , these people turned off the logical part in their brains and now are filled with justifications. How do we make these type of people? A small group of madman controlling the larger body of people like you and me....I have wondered away from the Japan tragedy, I know. You can't control Mother Nature and earthquakes. But, you can control setting up a life where we are dependent on nuclear power to run our lives. As President Kennedy said in 1963, '' In the final analysis, we all breath the same air, we all cherish our children's future's, and we are all mortal.'' Of course, he was murdered, most likely, by the type of powerful men I just described.

1 comment:

  1. This April the government is having a 5 state earthquake drill regarding the Madrid fault. Here is the real scary thing about this fault. Huge natural gas lines that feed many of the northern states (including Illinois)actually run right through the worse area of the fault. which beyond the deadly explosions that would occur, millions of people would be without heat and everything else natural gas is used for. Brilliant huh!
