Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Vaffanculo Party

Well, the results are in from the Iowa caucus and..... who really cares? It is the first test in the endless, painful campaign for a bunch of rich, out of touch people in power running for President. The media builds these primaries up to such high spirits that the average citizen---you know, me and you---- is conned into thinking that we actually have the ability to guide the destiny of our great country. Never mind that elections have always been decided in back room boiler meetings or in the sacred halls of Big Business. Some people out there are deluded into believing that we are in control of driving the car...... No. We aren't even riding shotgun. In elections, we are the equivalent of the people on the side of the road, as the political process speeds by, never giving us a simple glance. At one time, when I was younger, I actually bought the con that we can make a difference, that if you did not like whom was in office, then vote them out! Well, I tried voting them out and you know what? Two things happened. 1. They stayed in office because enough other people failed to see what I saw. 2. They did leave office, but, a new batch of shysters came in and did the exact same things. As The Who famously sang, ''Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss''........ And, I feel the same way about this upcoming election for President Of The United States. It is the same trash recycled every time someone runs for high office. First, they tell you what is wrong with the country [ignoring the fact that politicians are what is WRONG with the country] and how they can bring us back to the glorious good, old days that we remember so very fondly. They are our tonic, the Knight In White Armor, riding the countryside, zapping the foes keeping you from the Good Life. So, just ''Vote For Me'' and I will make all our your dreams a reality. It is so close, they proclaim, within reach! Let me guide your hand to touching nirvana.......That is really nice of them, an undeserved honor on my part. They care about me!! Aren't I special?! Screw you, politicians!!! Who do you REALLY think you are fooling here? Take the two parties, who are actually siamese twins separated by just a few self-serving issues and goals......The Republicans want you to keep your money. That is nice. My bank account really appreciates you doing that, Grand Ole Party. But, I have noticed that when you Republicans are in office, wars seem to start and the defense budget rises [along with debt] and fat cat cronies of the President warm their hands on the cold blood of soldiers dying for Big Business's interests. Also, the Republicans seem to have a direct line up to God. No texting, no call waiting. It is a direct line to the Almighty!!! And,  after the Republicans hang up that long-distance chat, they tell us what God wants, when HE wants it, and what to do with out bodies. Sorry, let me be a Satanistic pessimist here, but, I don't think God votes to the Right. If God is the type of Force I think IT is, God is very pissed off that a political party is using the Good Word to scare people into voting for people who might not get into Heaven anyway....... And, the Democrats. Christ, they are even worse than the Republicans. Why? Well, they won't even let me look at my money because they are too busy spending it before I make it. You know, like pumping the money into the bottomless pit of Obamacare and welfare for people who are scamming the system. And, let's not forget allowing illegal aliens into the country without serious border control. The Democrats would have you believe that the old days of people coming into this country peacefully, to start a new life and enrich this country and its heritage, are still the meat and potatoes mantra of the immigrant. It was once, when our forefathers came a calling to this land. Now, it is the new policy to cheat, lie and steal this land, along with blowing up its citizens. Let us also not forget the exploitation of the liberals of the black and Hispanic communities. For years, these charlatans---- aided by equally corrupt charlatan ministers like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton---- have preached the gospel of reform and all things equal, without doing a damn thing for these communities except take their votes and money. If I was black or Hispanic, I would be more pissed off at Democrats than Republicans. At least, the Republicans tell me that I mean nothing to them. The Democrats smile at your face while they are stealing from your pockets....... Look at the front candidates that both parties are putting out there to run for President, Trump and Clinton. They ooze insincerity and self-interest. They have that look in their eyes of a Demon, the seeker of your Blessed Soul And Good Nature. How can even the most ardent defender of a political party find comfort and sanity in the cloths of these wretched people? Is this REALLY the best this country---- the greatest in the history of the world---- can do? My God!!! One of these two will be in charge of our daily lives!!!! CAN YOU HEAR ME OUT THERE???!!!!!.......... I find no solace in the arms of any other political party because there is not really a third choice. Yeah, sure, this is the Libertarian Party [whose views on many issues I agree on] but, they are insignificant in the political game, never really making a dent. And, occasionally, you will get a wild-card candidate like a Ralph Nader. Again, they are fringe candidates, not of any strong performance in the polls....... Maybe, what we finally need is the long-overdue ''Fuck You Party'' or ''Vaffanculo Party'', if they were Italians. It would be the party of the disenchanted, the people tired of being exploited and conned and hustled by the government. It would be a protest party, granted, but, also, a party that just wants to have things done correctly so that we can live our small lives in quiet dignity. We would not start wars. However, we would defend ourselves if we were attacked. We would not give continual aid to the lazy and the con artists, but, just on those who really need our help. We would keep our noses out of everyone's business. We would---- and this is crucial in today's world---- live up to our mistakes and faults and correct them without blaming anyone else. We would watch out for each other, care for each other, and not buy the endless garbage of lies that our ''leaders'' tell us. We would call out the professional hustlers of our lives, telling them in the street language that is, oh, so sweet, that what they are saying is ''bullshit'' and not what we want them to do. We would spell out that we want FAIRNESS and HARMONY as our negotiating platform, not the grade school name calling and in-fighting and finger pointing that they spew at alarming rates. We would demand respectful treatment of our elderly, the Greatest Generation, so that they would not have to face the indignity of having to choose to either spend their last dollar on staying alive with medicine or eating a meal. We would demand rewards for our military vets that kept us free. We would stumble on things and fail, but we would learn from our failings and not repeat. Sure, there would still be the bad seeds among us. That, sadly, is part of human nature. And, of course, we would realize that we would have to overcome the naive nature that would creep in at times. Still, the ''Vaffanculers'' would march on in the battle for moral supremacy........ Bob Dylan once wrote, ''Don't follow leaders. Watch your parking meters.'' I would gladly throw some coins into the parking meters of human caring and decency, along with a strong, stinging rebuke from the podium of the ''Vaffanculers'' faithful......

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