Monday, October 14, 2013
Who Done It?
Okay. Who did it? It has been fifty years now and I wanna know. Surely, all of the principal architects of the murder are long gone. The people who pulled the trigger. The groups or organizations that planned the murder. And, the getaway people who helped cover it all up. Either they are dead or near to it happening. So, I want a real deathbed confession. I want someone who knows the story truthfully and is not pulling our leg with false clues and a theory. More than my selfish reasons of finding out the truth, we, the people of this country, deserve to know once and for all who killed our President....... It is the most famous murder in history. And, the most famous unsolved crime. Everybody has a theory of who did it. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 46, riding in the middle of an American street in Dallas, Texas, was fatally shot down right in front of our eyes. There were hundreds of people around, some police and Secret Service, some, like you and me, ordinary citizens who just wanted to catch a glimpse of a President. There was also the Zapruder film, shot by garment designer Abraham Zapruder, that actually caught the murder as it was happening. It was shot on grainy home camera footage, but, it showed all of its ghastly horror. The first bullet hitting Kennedy around the throat, Governor Connally being struck by this same bullet, or, perhaps a different bullet, and, finally, the final shot. This shot took the top of the head off of JFK and splattered blood everywhere, including, all over his wife, Jackie. The images from that day still stun and shock. Jackie climbing out the back of the car, trying to find her husband's brain. The Secret Service man, Clint Hill, saving her from sure harm by catching her before she tumbled off the car. The horror as the witnesses screamed and cried and went into shock. These few moments forever changed history. A new President came in, Lyndon Johnson, but, the spirit of the times, the feelings of hope and anything was possible, were shattered in seconds. History has called it a lost innocence, when the country heading down the path towards apathy and hate. Maybe. That is open to debate because this country---- and any country in history---- has not ever been innocent and pure. Hate and greed and violence are as old as humanity. However, there was a noticable change in the mood of the country after the death of President Kennedy. Partly, it was because he was a young, handsome President, with a beautiful wife and adorable children. And, he was young. When youth dies in the full flower of its promise, we, the people, somehow feel older. The truth of his Presidency is that JFK gets an incomplete mark as a President. Only in office for two-and-a-half years, he did not do very much. There was the folly of his bungling of the Bay Of Pigs in 1961, when he failed to send in troops to support a CIA led invasion of Cuba. But, the following year, he proved his metal when he handled the missile crisis intelligently and strongly by standing up to the Russians putting offensive weapons in Cuba that could strike the United States and destroy cities in less than thirty seconds. And, in 1963, shortly before his death, he signed the Nuclear Ban Treaty with the Soviets that banned testing of nuclear weapons in the air and sea [ but, most interesting, not on land]. So, when he was cut down on that Dallas street in November, 1963, he was personally popular, but, did not have many achievements on the books yet. He seemed to be moving in the right direction had he lived. But, he was struck down in his prime and forever is now enshrined as a dashing hero of Camelot whom we lost as he was ready to bring victory to his people. Again, this open to debate for historical scholars...... The other part of his death has lingered on since the final bullet. Who killed him? We know the police immediately arrested Lee Harvey Oswald and he was instantly marked as the man who killed President Kennedy. For two days, he was the villian of the world. Then, while being transfered from the Dallas prison to another location, he was shot in cold blood by Jack Ruby, a local nightclub owner and police groupie. Oswald died ninety minutes after being shot. Ruby, arrested and eventually convicted of the murder, claimed publicly that he killed Oswald because of his admiration of Kennedy. Ruby would die of cancer in jail a couple years later........ Almost immediately, the theories of conspiracy began. The government investigation of the killings, The Warren Commission, quickly determined that Oswald acted alone, that he shot JFK from the sixth floor of Book Depository, where he worked. The Warren Commission believed that Oswald killed him after firing three bullets. The first bullet, later referred to as the ''magic bullet'', hit Kennedy from behind through the back of his throat, exited from the front, changed direction in mid-air, and came down at another angle and hit Governor Connally in the back. The second bullet missed its targets. But, the third and final bullet, according to the Commission, was the head shot that tore away Kennedy's brain...... Now, do you, reader, know of anyone who buys this theory? I don't. This explanation by the Commission has been disputed and proven impossible by scientists and expert marksmen ever since it was made public. It could not have happened the way the Commission stated. Two key points dispute the findings of the panel. One, the majority of witnesses in Dealey Plaza, where the assassination occured, claimed that the final shot came from the front of the car, meaning from the direction of the famous ''grassy knoll'' area directly in front of the car. Immediately after the killing, the bulk of the people ran towards this area because they believed the shooting came from there and that there was smoke coming from behind the fence, smoke from a rifle. When interviewed by police and the government later, some 90% percent of the people in Dealey Plaza say without a doubt that the shots came from there. To be fair, some others did claim that they heard shots from behind the car from the Book Depository. If these witnesses are to be believed, and, I think they are, John Kennedy was shot from the back and the front, a victim of a crossfire killing......... The second key point is the Zapruder film, perhaps the most famous single film in history. There was no sound on the film, but, the visuals are striking enough. They show Kennedy and Connally being struck. And, they show the final bullet taking Kennedy's life. His head goes BACK AND TO THE LEFT. This was only possible from a shot from the front. In no way could have a shot from behind him have caused his head to twist this way. The Zapruder film was the key bit of evidence to support the theory that Oswald do not act alone [ if, in fact, he did shoot at all]. If the shot did come from the front, as the film and witnesses support, then Kennedy was the victim of a conspiracy. With Ruby silencing Oswald two days later, we were assured of never knowing the true story......... Throughout the years, with the public rightfully rejecting the inane and whitewashed report of the Warren Commission, various plot scenarios have surfaced regarding who killed JFK. The Kennedy brothers, John and Robert, had many enemies. The Mob, whom were relentlessly being pursued by Attorney General Robert Kennedy, were said to be the most hateful of the Kennedy enemies. In addition to the prosecution and convictions of ''the boys'', the Mob felt cheated because they believed they were responsible for putting JFK in office. Through the shady dealings of JFK's father, Joseph Kennedy, who made bribes and promises to the Mob in exchange for support in the election, the Mob felt double-crossed by Bobby Kennedy's personal vendetta against organized crime. The Mob was also in bed with the CIA, another hater of the Kennedys, with the secret assassination plans cooked up during the Eisenhower adminstration to kill Fidel Castro. Castro, when he took power in 1959, had shut out the Mob in Cuba, therebye, cutting off their substantial profits from gambling. In late 1959, the CIA approached members of the Syndicate to plan a murder of Castro. This plan lasted a few years until Bobby Kennedy found out about it and furiously canceled any dealings between the Mob and the CIA....... But, the CIA and the Mob did not cease their plans. The planning of the killing of Castro continued, this time under even more cloak and dagger. The CIA had a healthy hatred towards the Kennedys ever since the Bay Of Pigs fiasco, when it believed the Kennedys had let them down by not supporting their plan better with military force. With equal parts hatred directed towards Castro and JFK, the Mob and the CIA could have easily decided that killing Kennedy was far more realistic than killing Castro. More would be gained by eliminating JFK and getting Castro later. So, it is very possible, that the sides were changed and killing Kennedy became the prime objective. The CIA could cover up the assassination conspiracy on its end, enticing any government investigation to go along with the lone gunman theory in the interests of the government and national security. And, the Mob could use its expertise on random killings and bribery of law enforcement to achieve the goal of '''killing with extreme prejudice''........ This has been the strongest theory throughout the years, that the Mob and rogue elements in the CIA were in bed together to kill Kennedy. Among the most fervant believers in this idea was none other than Robert Kennedy. He publicly backed the Warren Commissions findings, but, privately scoffed at it. Those closest to RFK say that he believed the Mob killed his brother, namely New Orleans Godfather Carlos Marcello, who was high on Bobby's ''get list''. Those same friends believe that had Bobby lived he was going to open the investigation again himself, and focus on who really killed his brother....... Now, fifty years have passed since our elected President was shot. No concrete proof has been established on who or whom really killed him. There has been no one who has come forward and claimed to know the truth of who the killers truly are. In a strange way, this supports the lone gunman theory, that Oswald did it. The fact that in all of this time, no one who was involved in any conspiracy to kill JFK has stepped forward with evidence to solve this biggest of riddles. Until this person, or persons, step forward, the official verdict in history is that Lee Harvey Oswald, at 12:30 PM, on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas, fatally murdered the sitting President of The United Staes, John Fitzgerald Kennedy........ I still don't buy it. But, the fact remains, who did do it??...........
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