Monday, February 28, 2011

Oh, Oscar... Oscar... Oscar...

Roger Ebert put it well-- ''This was the worst Oscar show I have ever seen.''... Very true. The Oscars have always been a source of pleasure to me. As many of you know, when I was younger I was an actor. So the awards were of interest to me besides watching the stars. How a film was made, the politics behind the deal, was always fascinating to me. But, I have always wondered why the average viewer watched it. The show is an endless stream of technical awards involving people we don't know. And, the thank you's, however well intentioned, have no use for us. Yes, the stars and what they are wearing or who they are with is of some interest, but, after the first hour, is there a need to watch further? But, we watch every year and every year say the same thing, ''That was very boring!!!'' This year the Academy decided to go younger with the hosts. The younger viewer has always been the target. So, the Academy got James Franco and Anne Hathaway. They got their young stars, but, clearly they were in over their heads. Ms. Hathaway was trying too hard to be ''cute'', while Mr Franco seemed to be ''Altered''. His performance may hurt his career-- Letterman is still trying to live down his hosting in 1995[ although I thought he was very funny]. The Oscars have always been an ego walk for the entertainment industry. It is a fascinating car crash to watch. If you put stock into their choices, that is incorrect. The Oscars have always gone with the ''safe'' movie instead of the daring. Examples: Kramer Vs Kramer beating Apocalypse Now, Ordinary People over Raging Bull, Dances With Wolves beating Goodfellas, etc... But, we watch every year. Next year, when the Academy chooses the host, don't make the mistake you made this year. Don't just go young, also, go appropriate. There are older people who can do it-- young and hip do not always go together. Which leads to my final thought--- what is Billy Crystal's deal with hosting? He did well, they like him, his career is not that hot. Billy, you can't work one day a year?

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